How many times have you read, word for word, the terms and conditions of something, anything? How many times have you read the fine print? If you’re like 99% of the world, the answer is probably something along the lines of “never.” We’re all quick to assume that the fine print is the standard information but sometimes there is stuff in there that can be hurtful to you, and when you realize it, there’s nothing you can do about it.
Of course, the most concerning would be when it involves your money. For instance, if you’re hiring a bail bondsman to help see you through this situation, you’ll need to sign papers and agree to certain things in writing. Expect there to be “fine print.” As daunting as it is, you’ll want to read through it. There are many bail bond companies who are less stellar than others. These guys will help bail your loved one out, but may do so at a more costly price than they lead you believe. Perhaps they charge a hefty late fee or interest when credit is used instead of cash payment. Yet, they only tell you those are acceptable forms of payment, no mention of the interest.
Some bail companies are really after your money and could care less about their honesty and integrity when it comes to helping people with these big issues. So, please always read the fine print. And if you are confused on anything or have questions, ask them until you understand, or get a fresh set of eyes on the paperwork.
Do research until you find a company worth looking into. When consultations are free, take advantage of them to learn more information. With Moorpark Bail Bond Store, consultations are always free and we welcome as many questions until you are confident in our work.